[A book of essays can be a] constellation. Individual pieces shine like stars, but to see the whole project as a unified thing requires a mythology. You need faith to make out a shape around all those dots of light, to believe in the bear or the swan.
— Ben GreenmanI began to understand that for me, art was no longer about self-expression
but about creative engagement with the world.
— Ayad Akhtar
Constellation Moving Company is a multi-disciplinary movement theater of ideas.
Constellation Moving Company is a project-based collective specializing in performance assemblages that combine elements of aerial acrobatics, dance, music, text, and video.
Constellation Moving Company strives to expand the creative potential of aerial work by exploring complex themes and narratives; activating the full range of our faculties with a mix of intellectual stimulation, emotional resonance, and physical dynamism.
Constellation Moving Company coalesced in 2010 (ish) as a vehicle for creation and calls up for action a recurring yet fluid team of fabulous mutants whenever needed.
Constellation Moving Company is all about making stuff together and sharing the stuff we make.
As we continue to clarify our objectives, moving forward, we'll be asking more and more: How do you make and share more effectively? How do you use art in the service of social justice? How do you use art in the service of teaching and learning, informing and transforming? How do you use art to inspire and empower? (Constellation Moving Company wants to hear your thoughts…)
FOUNDING members
Associate Director
We are a constellation of lights in shifting patterns.
In putting together the starting line-up for each highly collaborative project, we draw on a recurring pool of multi-talented artists, technicians, logisticians, performers and creators.
Medea Exogiinos
Summer Lacy
Leah Newcomb
Mariana Plick
Kendall Rileigh
Craig Whitehouse
Sarah Wollschlager
look up
there are points of light in the sky
what patterns can you see?
moving your perspective turns the kaleidoscope
layers new patterns attached to different stories
i see orbiting bodies
i see gravity, and defiance of gravity
no, not defiance, working with not against
gravity is our friend
that’s how we come together
interlacing our dances
sharing electrons (oh wait, that’s another force)